Our Policies
Corporate Social Responsibility (Environmental Policy)
The Company is committed to integrating environmental best practice into all its business activities. The Company accepts its environmental responsibilities and recognises its obligation to reduce the impact of business activities on the environment. The Company will achieve this through a policy of continual improvement in environmental performance.
To achieve these objectives, the Company will:
• reduce the production of waste and develop effective waste management and recycling procedures, as well as disposing of unavoidable waste in such a way as to minimise its environmental impact;
• develop and implement integrated logistics policies, and encourage the use of environmentally friendly means of transport by staff;
• raise awareness amongst members of staff through appropriate education and training, encouraging them to become more environmentally responsible;
• encourage awareness of, and commitment to, improved environmental performance amongst suppliers and customers;
• communicate this policy to members of staff, and consult with them to ensure that they take an active role in its implementation and review
Equal Opportunities Policy
The Company is committed to providing equal opportunities in employment and is fully committed to the elimination of unlawful and unfair discrimination. At Montpellier Resourcing we place a very high value on the difference that a diverse workforce brings to our own and our clients’ business.
The Law
It is unlawful to discriminate directly or indirectly in recruitment or employment on grounds of sex, gender reassignment, pregnancy, colour, race, nationality, ethnic or national origins, sexual orientation or religion or belief, or because someone is married or is a civil partner. It is unlawful to treat someone less favourably on grounds of disability than others without that disability are or would be treated, unless the less favourable treatment can be justified, or to fail to make reasonable adjustments to overcome barriers to employment caused by disability. It is unlawful to discriminate unjustifiably on grounds of age in relation to employment. Discrimination after employment may be unlawful, e.g. in refusing to give a reference or in the form of reference given.
It is unlawful to discriminate directly or indirectly in the provision of goods, facilities or services to customers on grounds of sex (which may include gender reassignment), pregnancy, religion or belief, sexual orientation, colour, race, nationality, or ethnic or national origins. It is unlawful to discriminate, without justification, on grounds of disability or to fail to make reasonable adjustments to overcome barriers to using services caused by disability. The duty to make reasonable adjustments includes the removal, adaptation or alteration of physical features, if the physical features make it impossible or unreasonably difficult for disabled people to make use of services.
Data Protection Policy & Privacy
As a Company we make it a rule never to forward any candidate details to any of our clients without first seeking the candidate’s permission.
We fully comply with the eight data protection principals of The Data Protection Act 1998 relating to the processing of personal data held on manual and/or computerised filing systems. Thus, ensuring that personal data held:
- must be processed fairly and lawfully;
- must be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purpose(s), and must not be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or purposes;
- must be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which it is processed;
- must be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date;
- must not be kept for longer than strictly necessary (subject to any legal requirements to the contrary);
- must be processed in accordance with the "subject access" rights of employees under the Data Protection Act 1998;
- must be protected (by "appropriate technical and organisational measures") against unauthorised or unlawful processing or disclosure, and against accidental loss, damage or destruction;
- must not be transferred to any country or territory outside the European Economic Area (for example in connection with a transfer or secondment overseas) unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data.
Diversity Policy
The Company is fully committed to the elimination of unlawful and unfair discrimination and values the differences that a diverse workforce brings to the organisation.
The Company will not discriminate on the grounds of race, gender, disability, nationality, religion, age, sexual orientation, family status or any other irrelevant factor and will build a culture that values meritocracy, openness, fairness and transparency.
All our employees are responsible for the promotion and advancement of this policy. The policy is applicable to all employees and applies to all processes relating to employment and any dealings with candidates and clients. Decisions relating to customers and communities will be based on business-related criteria only and any irrelevant information will not form part of the process.